SIDSÅRET in English!
Sidsåret is my two year old blog. The blog name refers the New Testament and the story about Jesus on the cross. A roman soldier, after the unusually quick death of Jesus, "poked" the dead man with his spear and out came water and blood. The wound Jesus was inflicted from this long spear was seated on his right side, just on the ribs. So, the name means simply side wound.This is where Tomas the Apostle (the one that doubted), after the resurrection of Christ, had to stick his finger to assure himself. Of course, this wound has a lot of connotations and is surrounded by mystery. Where does the water come from?
You may wonder why I named my blog after this story. As a matter of fact, it has had a great significance for my writing. This blog was originally used for publishing texts, but since I, for some time now, have had a quite serious writes block, I paint, awaiting the words to return. Therefor I publish my paintings, but decided to keep the name. It was just a couple of years ago I discovered that it was not only the story from the Bible, which had had such an influence on my writing, but the painting, the Death of Marat by David.

Notice the oblong, clean cut on his chest, clearly a christian reference to the death of Christ. For many years this picture and the story of Jesus brewed in my mind, and finally came to signify writing itself. Perhaps that is not so strange. Blood is in both "pictures" and water came out of Jesus' wound; Marat is taking a bath and was killed in the act of writing. To me, this picture always seemed to be the portrait of a suicide. Then, writing seemed to balance on a very thin line between life and death.

Have a good one!